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Annual Update/Online Registration

Current Families

Families who had a child enrolled at Syble Hopp School this past year can access their Campus Parent account here to begin the annual update/online registration process.  If you need assistance in remembering your username or password and need assistance, please contact Nancy Kohls.  When you log into the portal, on the left side of the screen, click on "more" and then click on "existing student online registration."  If you then select that you are completing it for an existing student, much of the information will be pulled in and you will not need to enter it all like you do the first time.

New Syble Hopp Families

Families who are new to Syble Hopp School in the 2024-25 school year can click on this link to get your child enrolled.  Please note that only students who have gone through an IEP process in their district of residence and placement has been determined to be at Syble Hopp School can enroll here.  If you are unsure, please contact Nancy Kohls.

Infinite Campus - Campus Parent

Syble Hopp School uses Infinite Campus to  manage student information and communicate with families.  Other benefits include:

  • Parents/Guardians can view their child's  classroom schedules.

  • The 2024-25 Household Application for Free and Reduced School Meals will be available online after July 1st.

  • Make a payment online into your child's lunch account.

  • Pay your child's school fees online.


Current families can access their Campus Parent account here.  If you have any questions, please call or email Nancy Kohls.

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